Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fr. Donald Hayden, O.SS.T.

I just received word of the death of Father Donald Hayden, O.SS.T. before concelebrating Holy Mass with the PNAC community this Sunday morning. I was terribly saddened. Father Donald was my associate for a time several years ago and I always found Father Donald to be a wonderful housemate...kind, thoughtful, spirited, very positive in nature...a real joy with whom to live. It is my earnest prayer that he rest in peace until the day when Christ calls us all to Himself. Requiescant in pace.


  1. It is with great sadness that I learned of Father Don's passing. It is with great joy that I will remember his life.

    Don and I (and several friends, whom have kept in touch lo these nearly forty years since high school) have had the privilege of each other's company through several rites of passage (his ordination, my college graduations; the passing of parents and friends, the trials of aging and the triumph of the will against the ravages of time). Don faithfully sent me (a friend of the Jewish faith) his sermons, as well as jokes, anecdotes, and snatches of personal wisdom, and I shared my own humorous scenarios and lectures. In one of his last emails, after a friendly but vigorous philosophical discussion, he wrote: "I love that I know a college professor, and that she is an old friend."

    I have spent the last hour or so alerting other mutual friends whose fond memories and recent communiques will help sustain us through this loss of one who was so devoted, kind, and genuine in his faith.

    Don Hayden's life will be remembered with good humor, affection, and gratitude.

    With deep affection,
    Mindy Kronenberg

  2. We in New York are also mourning the passing of a great friend, priest and gentle man. Oh, how he loved to debate. Like a relentless fox terrier at times! Our family has been blessed by many of his kindnesses. I used to love to just watch him minister as he took time to chat, tease, encourage and show such wonderful compassion! How gifted he was. Just too soon a loss. Peace to all who were blessed to know him.

    With a sad but grateful heart,
    Rita M. Dlug

  3. I just read of Don's death in the Long Island Diocesan paper and I keenly feel the loss of such a good man. I lived in the Rectory with Don while he served at Ss. Cyril & Methodius on Long Island. I remember him as profoundly sincere; it was a sacred quality.
    With Hope in Christ
    Forrest Todd Parkinson
